New Technologies, Concepts And Team Work Practices.

Jamie Jermaine
3 min readApr 10, 2021

A new technology and how to use it

  • A new technology and how to use it (tutorial)There are many other java script frameworks besides Jquery. Jquery is said to be used mainly for content sites, but there are many others that have been used much more than jquery for developing applications. Frameworks make working with JavaScript much more responsive when coding and programming applications. The responsiveness is most important and the reason why the Javascript frameworks are quite popular when it comes to the question of using a high-level machine language. One of the most popular javascript frameworks that I was unfamiliar with is “Angular”.
  • Angular is one of the most powerful and efficient Javascript frameworks, that exist. Google operates the framework and is implemented to use for developing. It extends the HTML into the application and interprets the attributes to perform data binding. Also, it possesses cross-platform, speed & performance, productivity and full development story features to adapt and adjust to every developers needs and interests. Angular supports out of the box caching and tons of other features to ensure quick server performance. Angular offers a rich collection of third party integrations to further enhance their web application. Angular is lucky to have backing from Google and a wide range developer community larger than over 1.1k contributors on GitHub. Angular also has great documentation together with a huge library of resources and community support.
  • The structure of an Angular application depends on certain fundamental concepts. The basic structure of the Angular framework are Angular components that are organized into NgModules. NgModules collect related code into functional sets and an Angular app is defined by a set of NgModules. An app always has at least a root module that enables bootstrapping, and typically has many more feature modules.

A new concept that I discovered

  • I discovered a new concept for css called scroll snapping. CSS Scroll Snapping means that you can create interfaces that snap to scroll points. This is great for full-page interfaces that you want to behave in a similar way a mobile app would, snapping from page to page.

Implementation of team working practices

  • I discovered 6 team work best practices that can help any team be successful in building and efficiently working together. Mutual respect, listening & talking, thinking, a quest for meaning, winners and losers and understanding teamwork as an iterative process are six team building practices that I discovered to be very beneficial.
  • Mutual Respect
  • Respectful listening and discussion is much more productive. Don’t interrupt, don’t attack a person question their ideas. Be courteous.
  • Listening & Talking
  • Mindful deliberate listening is not only courteous it helps mutual understanding and avoids misunderstandings.
  • A quest for meaning
  • Understanding the mission or task at hand has been delegated to be solved or conquered. The team is necessary to do so.
  • Winners and Losers
  • Understanding that as a team. Everyone wins together and loses together.
  • Teamwork is an iterative process
  • The chances that a team will come up with the right solution to the right problem at its first attempt are not good. So, a team should be collectively building mental models of a suggested solutions and then interrogating the model until they are happy that it works.




Jamie Jermaine

Artist , Audio Engineer & Future Software Engineer